Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Casting Updates!

Hey guys, I've got some fun news to share! First off, I am so psyched to be cast in the role of the incorrigible Grandpa Joe in a new weekly webseries coming out this summer called Existential Chris, animated by @Tthunderb0lt on Twitter. I'll be joined by a few other VA's I've gotten to know on Twitter and Discord who I'm thrilled to work with for the first time!

"Existential Chris" banner on the left, Grandpa Joe on the right! Art by @Thunderb0lt.

Next, I've been contacted by The Story Geeks/The Reclamation Society to come back and record for parts three and four of Death of a Bounty Hunter, a full cast audiobook coming out next year where I play Ellis Warburton II, a banker in way over his head. :) I recorded for part two last December and the Story Geeks crew were amazing as well as the other cast members I met. I can't wait to pop back down to LA in a couple months to help get it finished! The Story Geeks is also a podcast covering geeky topics and their first audiobook, Time Slingers, is due for a general release very soon. So give them a look!

Death of a Bounty Hunter banner belongs to The Reclamation Society/The Story Geeks.

Finally, I've just recently contributed to a standalone mod for Warlords Battlecry 3 (Infinite Interactive, 2004) called The Protectors, where I voice a brutish, growly monster character. I'm not privy to all the modding team's details about their new content, but my contribution should be showing up in the next update! They've been working on and adding to this project for nearly nine years! So if you're a fan of the original game, go ahead and check them out. (And don't forget to support the original game, available on Steam and GOG.)

Banner credit to The Protectors Modding Team.

I am thrilled to be able to contribute to all of these projects, and there is going to be so much more to come. So keep on the lookout for future blog posts from me, and if you haven't already feel free to follow me on Twitter (@StroudKyle) and Instagram (kylestroudva) for news on these and other animations, video games, audiobooks, podcasts, and other roles I get to put my little mark on.

For those of you who have been reading along with me since I've started, and to those of you who still have no idea who I am and may have just clicked on a random retweet, you're all AWESOME and thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to check me out. This is still only the beginning, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store.

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